Fabricated Evidence
Fabricated Evidence:
Evidence produced by opposing parties requires validation. In a recent matter a printed email was produced as evidence that a message had been sent to our client. A paper copy of an alleged sent email does not constitute proof that an email is sent, to whom it was sent, that it has not been altered, that the message was transmitted from the opposing party’s network onto the internet, or that it has been received at intended recipient’s computer. In this matter the opposing party withdrew their allegation and went looking for additional evidence. Additional evidence may well have been found on the senders computer, company mail server, proxy server logs or several other storage places.
In another matter a purchase order signed by the company CEO authorized a subcontractor to proceed with work at a highly inflated rate. On further investigation we found evidence of the document having been sent from an ex. employee’s computer. Through analysis of the employee’s computer, file server and digital copies of the CEO’s signature we were able to determine that the employee had modified total amounts shown on the purchase order, inserted the CEO’s digital signature image file into the Microsoft Word document and sent a PDF copy to the supplier. Our client suffered significant losses when the cost of their project far exceeded the quotation provided to their customer. As a result of our findings they were able to pursue action against the ex. employee.